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Taking the lead in renewable energy

Depending where you live in the world, you might feel like you can't turn on the television or pick up a newspaper without reading about the energy crisis. Having spoken to our relatives and friends back in the UK, we know that it has hit hard over there with everyone having to cope with soaring costs. Here in Portugal the effects are still being felt, but the country has not imported Russian crude oil since 2020 so the impact of the war is not the same as is being felt elsewhere.

While Portugal is not yet self-sufficient (the country imports natural gas through a gas pipeline from Algeria via Spain) it is extremely well established in developing its own resources, and that decision is paying off big time. The government has set a target for 80% of the electricity supply to come from renewable energy by 2026. While that seems a lot for other countries, it seems achievable for Portugal.

In 2019 Portugal had an uninterrupted period of 100% renewable demand on the mainland for five and a half days. In January 2022, 63% of electricity generated came from renewable sources. The country is already using wind power; and is investing in huge photovoltaic farms in the South of the country, and massive hydropower projects. Renewables are so successful that Portugal was able to close its two coal-fired power plants last year. This small country is setting a great example, committing to become carbon neutral by 2050. Let's hope others follow its lead.

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