Last year, we wrote a blog post about enjoying all the little things that make us happy. We are both 'glass half full' people, and always want to make the most of every day. We were like this when we were living back in the UK, and nothing has changed since we moved to Portugal in 2021.

When we made the move, we made a promise to each other that we would never to take the simple pleasures for granted. Sometimes it is as simple as taking pleasure in waking up to blue sky, or enjoying a G&T with some Portuguese delicacies before of our favourite moments of our weekends!

We all lead busy lives, and sometimes we can be so focused on our responsibilities that we forget to take a step back and just enjoy the moment. That is exactly what we should do though.

It might be enjoying a Sunday by the fire reading a book; it could be taking a stroll along a beach on a windy day, or it might be listening to the birdsong on a spring morning. Let's all take a moment, and realise that its the little things that matter!