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Old friends, new memories

Back in the day, as you might have read on our 'about page' , I used to live in France, and raced for a French cycling team. My goal was was to become one of those Lycra clad maniacs that ride the Tour de France and many other professional races around the world! At the time I lived in the team house in Evreux in Normandy with a great Irish rider called Andrew Moss. Not only did we train; travel, and race together - we also struck up a great friendship.

For various reasons “Mossey” returned to Ireland to pursue his cycling career there, whilst I stayed in France by myself pursuing my dream. Sadly, as sometimes happens when your lives take different turns, we lost touch. Fast forward an incredible 33 years, and due to the wonders of the Strava fitness app - we are back in contact!

Not only that, but Mossey and his lovely wife Audrey made the effort to come out and visit us in Portugal. That’s the first time I have seen him in over 3 decades! Needless to say it was just like we had never been out of touch. We were straight back into our old ways, including getting out on our bikes for a few rides. We have to admit we are not quite as fast as we used to be but we had a blast reminiscing about all the good times in France.

They say that great friends just pick up where they left off, and that could not be more true in this case. When we moved to Portugal, I felt there were some people I had fallen out of touch with over the years. I was determined to catch up with them, as life is just too short and we allow far too many things to get in the way. The moral of this story is that life is better when you are surrounded by the people who know you best. I am so happy I made the decision to reach out and get in touch. We only live once so we should make the most of it with the people we like!

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