The Algarve is famous for its almost year-round sunshine, but this week has seen the first significant rain of the year arrive. Finally, the clouds gathered, and the scent of rain has filled the air! This long-overdue downpour is definitely rejuvenating the very thirsty earth. As the first drops kiss the parched soil, olive trees and vibrant bougainvillea seem to breathe a sigh of relief.

Instead of so-called Dry January (who does that anyway?!); it was last month that brought a surprising twist, becoming the driest December on record. While it was fantastic to have such wonderful weather over the festive period, we are reminded that we are in desperate need of rain in the Algarve. Rainfall in December can normally lead to a 20% increase in ground water levels, benefiting agriculture and filling the region's low water level barragems or dams. Not this year - if anything it was the exact opposite.

The arrival of the rain always comes as a shock - despite all those years living in Manchester! Perhaps even the beaches will forgive us for taking them for granted while we bathed in sunlight. So we now embrace a few days of rain, grab those forgotten umbrellas, and prepare to enjoy the charm of rain in our sun-kissed paradise. After a week or so, the blue skies will return!