Before we moved to Portugal we were rarely in the country in August, so this year was one of the first experiences we have had of 'Banho 29', which translates as bath 29. If you haven't heard of it, it is one of the most beloved traditions in the Algarve which has been passed down through the generations - it also happens to fall on Fin's birthday, so that gave us the perfect excuse to join in the celebrations!

So what is it all about? It is said that a dip in the sea on the night of the 29th of August scares away demons, and also that it is worth 29 baths! There are others who say that the devil walks free on that date, and only at night-time is it safe to swim in the sea! It is also rumoured to be linked to the ancient end of summer rites that used to take place in the southern parts of Europe.

In years gone by people working on the land used to come to the coast to bathe, but now people from all walks of life join in the tradition of drinking and eating before the traditional dip in the sea. There are now various festivals which take place in the Algarve to celebrate the tradition - with big parties in places such as Odeceixe, Lagos and Luz.

This year, the festivities were even bigger than normal as it is the first time the event has taken places after two years of suspension due to the pandemic. Events started in Lagos with zumba classes, and a contest of old bathing suits! We went to Luz to watch people celebrating with great music and food. The party culminated at midnight when the bravest entered the sea....we dipped our toes in, but left the full swim to others! It was fantastic to see so many people celebrating, and it's an event we will definitely attend each year - any excuse for a party!